
Recipes Mini Okonomiyaki with Pork Patty

A quick delightful recipe for mini okonomiyaki with Jones Dairy Farm’s Pork Patties and plenty of cabbage in a fluffy batter. Customize with your favorite toppings and enjoy it with family and friends or as a recommended option for meal prep.

Mini Okonomiyaki with Pork Patty

Mini Okonomiyaki with Pork Patty
Servings: 4 patties25 minutes

  • 4 Jones Dairy Farm Breakfast Pork Patties
  • 200g cabbage
  • 1 egg
  • 80ml water
  • 2g granulated dashi
  • 1 green onion
  • 20g tenkasu (tempura crumbs)
  • 15g red pickled ginger (beni shoga)
  • 4 tablespoons of okonomiyaki sauce
  • 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • Some aonori (dried green seaweed flakes)
  • Preparation
  • 1Place the pork patties on a plate lined with kitchen paper and microwave for 2 minutes to heat them.
  • 1Prepare the batter by mixing water, egg, all-purpose flour, and Japanese-style granulated dashi in a bowl until well combined.
  • 2Finely chop the cabbage, and cut the green onion into small pieces.
  • 3Add the chopped cabbage, green onion, and tenkasu to the batter bowl, and mix everything together.
  • 4Heat some oil in a frying pan and spread the batter into 4 round shapes. Place one pork patty on top of each batter round and cook for about 3 minutes.
  • 5Flip the patties, cover the pan, and continue cooking for approximately 4 more minutes to steam.
  • 6Serve the mini okonomiyaki on plates and drizzle okonomiyaki sauce and mayonnaise over them. Sprinkle with red pickled ginger and aonori before serving.

This recipe is made using
Jones Dairy Farm Breakfast Pork Patties

Breakfast Pork Patties

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