
Recipes No-Sugar Bacon Zeppole

Enjoy a savory twist on traditional zeppole, a beloved fried dough snack from Naples, Italy with this recipe featuring Jones Dairy Farm’s Uncured No-Sugar Bacon. Great for snacks, appetizers, and parties.

No-Sugar Bacon Zeppole

No-Sugar Bacon Zeppole
Approx. 20 pieces20 minutes (excluding fermentation time)

  • 5 slices of No Sugar Bacon
  • A. 50g bread flour
  • A. 30g cake flour
  • A. 20g rice flour
  • A. 3g salt
  • A. 3g sugar
  • 3g dry yeast
  • 2g dried aonori seaweed
  • 1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 100ml lukewarm water (about 35°C)
  • Cooking oil (as needed for frying)
  • 1Mix all the (A) ingredients in a bowl.
  • 2Add the dry yeast, lukewarm water, and olive oil. Stir with a spatula until the mixture is no longer powdery.
  • 3Add the dried aonori seaweed and Parmesan cheese, mix well, cover with plastic wrap, and let it ferment in a warm place for about an hour until it doubles in size.
  • 4Cut the no-sugar bacon into approximately 1 cm squares and add to the dough, mixing roughly.
  • 5Heat the cooking oil to 170°C. Use a spoon to scoop small bite-sized portions of the dough and fry until golden brown.

This recipe is made using
Jones Dairy Farm No Sugar Bacon

No Sugar Bacon

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