MatsukennVlog Cooks With Jones Dry Aged Cherrywood Smoked Bacon!

Matsukenn, a multi-talented dancer, stay-at-home dad, blogger and vlogger based in Japan’s Fukuoka Prefecture, recently featured our award-winning Dry Aged Cherrywood Smoked Bacon in his cooking video.
Matsukenn’s YouTube channel (MatsukennVlog) covers a wide array of topics from day-to-day glimpses of a stay-at-home dad’s lifestyle, Costco and gadget reviews, plus fun DIY videos. You can check out his review of Jones Dairy Farm Dry Aged Bacon below with English subtitles. To watch his full video, click here.
If you want to know how to fry a perfect bacon and egg breakfast, this video is a great place to start. (You can almost smell the bacon!)
Watch the full original video in Japanese here.
Check out our recipe page for more original bacon recipes using Jones Dairy Farm Dry Aged Bacon.